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[24/11/2018] Qlimax - The Game Changer [NL]

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Re: [24/11/2018] Qlimax - The Gamechanger

Post by Twixel »

13 Harderstate user nerds will stand in the corner near merchendise shop and discuess the line up and judge every other 29.987 visitors for having shitty taste

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Post by Shadder »

Tekk wrote:
Collabs wrote:To all raw hardstyle fans: if you want a raw only event, qlimax is the wrong place! Please sell your tickets and wait for qapital, loudness, etc
I like raw and euphoric... but this is a joke. Not even hardcore
Frenchcore is hardcore ;)

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Post by Tekk »

Game Changing to kill the epic warmup, now early and hardcore and put in some boring Frenchcore. Peacock was horrible @Defqon
Freaqshow 16, 17
Q-Base 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Qlimax 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Defqon 1 16, 17, 18, 19
Airforce 16
X-Qlusive Frequencerz 18
Syndicate 16
I AM Hardstyle 17
MoH 17
Intents Festival 17, 18
Decibel 18
EDC Las Vegas 19

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Post by Emre »

Twixel wrote:13 Harderstate user nerds will stand in the corner near merchendise shop and discuess the line up and judge every other 29.987 visitors for having shitty taste
Lol'd. :rofl:

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Post by Collabs »

pawzo wrote:it's a shame that tickets are before lineup
I visit qlimax for years, every year ticket sale before line up
Last edited by Collabs on 28 Sep 2018, 19:42, edited 1 time in total.
Attention: RAW REFUSER from the beginning!!!

Qlimax 2008-2019, 2022
Electric Love Festival 2013-2019, 2022
Defqon.1 2015, 2017 Weekend
Q-Base 2016
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Post by freddy g »

solarized wrote:Jesus fucking christ. Terrorists wanting to attack Qlimax. Fucking hell. What is wrong with this world
They obvs pissed off radical redemption was not on the lineup

Or maybe its just adequate preparation in case da tweekaz play frozen again lol

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Post by kirchow »

The Convicted wrote:
kirchow wrote: But what’s completely inexcusable is Tweekacore and the serious lack of raw. E-Force, MYST, Rebelion, Clockartz, Warface... so many raw names have been killing it. Instead we have to endure another year of Wildstylez and Bass Modulators? This is a fucking joke.
Qlimax is not a raw event and it shouldn't be built around just one "hype".
I get that, but the raw lineup is basically the same as last year. (frequencerz, PN, SZP in 2017 and Bfreqz, PN, SZP this year it looks like). But instead of G4H we get Tweekacore? Just seems wrong. Not saying the whole thing has to be raw, I just don't understand giving the spot to Tweekacore over some of the raw names I mentioned.

I'll be at qlimax and have an amazing time, I just would have preferred a different direction.

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Post by M3dia »

kirchow wrote: I'll be at qlimax and have an amazing time, I just would have preferred a different direction.
This so much! :one:

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Post by Reverse Ghost »

Twixel wrote:13 Harderstate user nerds will stand in the corner near merchendise shop and discuess the line up and judge every other 29.987 visitors for having shitty taste
Booking my flight right now, hopefully they'll let me past security with a lawnchair and beer :rofl:

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Post by Shadder »

Day 1: B-Freqz - Their logo was in the video
Day 2: Phuture Noize - If you head to the spotify playlist and look in the middle the name MARCO is spelled using the first letters of the trackname which is his real name.
Day 3: Wildstylez - He posted a picture of the Gelredome on his instagram.
Day 4: Sound Rush- They were on instagram wearing Qlimax merchandise.
Day 5: Tweekacore - The name was spelled using the first letters of each track being played.
Day 6: Dr Peacock - In the Qlimax 2018 playlist "Linda Scott - I've told every little star" has been added. This song had been sampled in "Eat this".
Day 7: Sub Zero Project - Coördinates where given at the Q-Dance radio. These coördinates lead to the Q-Dance HQ wich had a SZP flag hanging out.
Day 8: Bass Modulators - The song oxygen was played while the Top 40 was going on (Between track 11 & 10)
Btw if this is correct who's doing the warmup set ? I think it's missing

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