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Re: Studio pictures

Post by MKN »

man cmon, i stated more than once...CUBASE ;D aha i knew how to do it when i was using FL, now ive switched to cubase i dunno how to do it :( lol

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Post by Prefix »

Lol, im blind...srry. :P
Cant help you with that.

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Post by Akaim »

MKN wrote:http://www.thomann.de/gb/the_tbone_sc44 ... dle_02.htm
Can someone please tell me if this is good enough for recoding vocals? I don't see what the point is spending loads of money on a mic does...
I dont know why but i did order that and midikeyboard :lol:

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Post by Roby31 »

MKN wrote:I don't see what the point is spending loads of money on a mic does...
The point is that a cheap mic through a cheap preamp through a cheap ADC in an untreated room sounds like total shit :)

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Post by Remraf »

Macbook pro coming, will post pics after i get that :p

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Post by divadro102 »

guys.. can any of you tell me the devices being used? I see the akai mpd24, and moog piano, etc...but i'd like an in depth type thing..
in this video..and srry if the post is long (H)

now dont say anything bout the song..im not too big a fan of it..im more interested in the hardware.. :+

and i posted this recently, but i wanna put it in here:

...dont have hardware stuff like the big leagues..i have two midi controllers, midi pad controller, audio interface, 8 channel mixer, two 500gb external hard drives, my macbook pro, and Reason, Reaper, Cubase, and Ableton Live...i only started 1 year and half ago...but not hardstyle, just trance and techno stuff..i cant seem to get the hang of hardstyle tho

M-Audio Axiom 25
M-Audio Oxygen 49

Akai MPD18

-Audio Int-
Steinberg CI1

Behringer Xenyx 802

None, way too broke
Only my old Bose speakers, which work fine..but i'd like real studio monitors some day
(EDIT: bought KRK RP5G2(pair))

Audio Technica AT2020

upgraded to Audio Technica ATH-M50

got a mic stand, two electric guitars, guitar amp, plenty cables, and a whole lot of love at what I do

as you can see, money is an issue for me
but my stuff isn't so bad for being on a really tight budget..at least it's not so much a "beginner", more into the amateur side...i love music ...

im on a really tight budget..and i would like some help on setting up my stuff properly as soon as i get the monitors i ordered...so if you guys could help, that'd mean a lot to me..i will post pics of before & after :+

i meant it, sorry the post is kinda long guys :listen:

EDIT: Besides the KRKs, I'm also waiting on a Behringer BFC2000 desktop controller w/motorized faders
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Post by malicious_kode »

divadro102 wrote:guys.. can any of you tell me the devices being used?

EDIT: Besides the KRKs, I'm also waiting on a Behringer BFC2000 desktop controller w/motorized faders
I listed maybe half of them in the original 'From Within' topic. CBF to re-post so here- http://hardstyle.harderstate.com/unrele ... 1-105.html just hit the link the post is about halfway down. No idea what some of the smaller desktop devices are though.

Let me know how the BCF2000 goes coz I've been thinking about getting the BCR model (same shit but with 2 rows of encoders instead of faders).I'd normally steer well clear of Behringer stuff but it's the only piece of gear I can find that is capable of doing what I want, and has the added benefit of not having shit I don't need (like trigger pads or X-Y controls).
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Post by divadro102 »

malicious_kode wrote:
divadro102 wrote:guys.. can any of you tell me the devices being used?

EDIT: Besides the KRKs, I'm also waiting on a Behringer BFC2000 desktop controller w/motorized faders
I listed maybe half of them in the original 'From Within' topic. CBF to re-post so here- http://hardstyle.harderstate.com/unrele ... 1-105.html just hit the link the post is about halfway down. No idea what some of the smaller desktop devices are though.

Let me know how the BCF2000 goes coz I've been thinking about getting the BCR model (same shit but with 2 rows of encoders instead of faders).I'd normally steer well clear of Behringer stuff but it's the only piece of gear I can find that is capable of doing what I want, and has the added benefit of not having shit I don't need (like trigger pads or X-Y controls).
i've never had a problem with Behringer..i've heard people have had major shit with them..but i haven't come across one yet...but i'm also mindful and careful about any of my property...all my old stuff looks like i bought them only yesterday :fist:

and i'll let you know bout the BCF..i should get it on tuesday..i also thought about the BCR but i prefer faders..but definitely true bout the trigger pads, etc...

added note: loving my KRKs..they're awesome!

Does anybody know where i can get really cheap acoustic treatment pads/foam? I live in the states, but i dont care where they come from as long as they're cheap (H)
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Post by Akaim »

In 2weeks i get my studio! I post pics then :)

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Post by Marcotjuh »

divadro102 wrote:
malicious_kode wrote:
divadro102 wrote:guys.. can any of you tell me the devices being used?

EDIT: Besides the KRKs, I'm also waiting on a Behringer BFC2000 desktop controller w/motorized faders
I listed maybe half of them in the original 'From Within' topic. CBF to re-post so here- http://hardstyle.harderstate.com/unrele ... 1-105.html just hit the link the post is about halfway down. No idea what some of the smaller desktop devices are though.

Let me know how the BCF2000 goes coz I've been thinking about getting the BCR model (same shit but with 2 rows of encoders instead of faders).I'd normally steer well clear of Behringer stuff but it's the only piece of gear I can find that is capable of doing what I want, and has the added benefit of not having shit I don't need (like trigger pads or X-Y controls).
i've never had a problem with Behringer..i've heard people have had major shit with them..but i haven't come across one yet...but i'm also mindful and careful about any of my property...all my old stuff looks like i bought them only yesterday :fist:

and i'll let you know bout the BCF..i should get it on tuesday..i also thought about the BCR but i prefer faders..but definitely true bout the trigger pads, etc...

added note: loving my KRKs..they're awesome!

Does anybody know where i can get really cheap acoustic treatment pads/foam? I live in the states, but i dont care where they come from as long as they're cheap (H)
Studio products are just not cheap, if you buy cheap stuff you get less quality :p A behringer works, but a Mackie controller is just so much better. Same for any other product you are going to buy.

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