I had them made by a friend of mine, they're custom and measured to fit my KRK's perfectly. If you want, I can send you the dimensions.MKN wrote:sweet, can i ask you mitch, where and how much are those speaker stands? (or did u make them) thnx
Studio pictures
Forum rules
If your question is about any of the following, please post in these threads instead of creating new ones:
* Troubleshooting: Ableton / FL Studio / Logic / Other DAW's (Reaper, etc)
* Monitors/Speakers (Yes, that goes for your KRK monitor questions too)
* Headphones
* The Virus TI/B/C topic
If your question is about any of the following, please post in these threads instead of creating new ones:
* Troubleshooting: Ableton / FL Studio / Logic / Other DAW's (Reaper, etc)
* Monitors/Speakers (Yes, that goes for your KRK monitor questions too)
* Headphones
* The Virus TI/B/C topic
Re: Studio pictures

yeah man that wud be awesome if u dont mind 

- State Citizen
- Posts: 194
- Joined: 30 Sep 2010, 04:32
- Location: Miami
can you send them to me too, please?Mitch wrote:I had them made by a friend of mine, they're custom and measured to fit my KRK's perfectly. If you want, I can send you the dimensions.MKN wrote:sweet, can i ask you mitch, where and how much are those speaker stands? (or did u make them) thnx

One hundred thousand voices lift, while ashes like dirty snowfall drift

Finally its complete:

26 inch
jeah, cant be big enough
so much stuff so look at 

nice studio relex dudes.... you need some acoustic foam/panels now 

Upradge to my studio! I got better computer now! Power Mac G5 Dual 2.0 with 2gb RAM
At summer i buy krk and audiointerface and build custom made table.. I post pictures att summer!
At summer i buy krk and audiointerface and build custom made table.. I post pictures att summer!