Studio Build
Forum rules
If your question is about any of the following, please post in these threads instead of creating new ones:
* Troubleshooting: Ableton / FL Studio / Logic / Other DAW's (Reaper, etc)
* Monitors/Speakers (Yes, that goes for your KRK monitor questions too)
* Headphones
* The Virus TI/B/C topic
If your question is about any of the following, please post in these threads instead of creating new ones:
* Troubleshooting: Ableton / FL Studio / Logic / Other DAW's (Reaper, etc)
* Monitors/Speakers (Yes, that goes for your KRK monitor questions too)
* Headphones
* The Virus TI/B/C topic
Re: Studio Build
i contacted fusion records about studio monitors a while ago, and they said that most of they're artists are using genelecs, (8020, 8030, 8040, 8050,) and i had a look at some peoples studios. those genelecs i said are used by headhunterz, wildstylez, noisecontrolers, toneshifterz, frontliner, b front, and like everyone