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Studio Build

All about Software and Hardware (Shared HS/HC)
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* Troubleshooting: Ableton / FL Studio / Logic / Other DAW's (Reaper, etc)
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Re: Studio Build

Post by momze »

andytf wrote:lol, I'm starting to believe that you guys love cocks... :rofl:
lol, ofc... 1600 members and they are all boys..

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Post by andytf »

We started talking about "endless amounts of money to build an studio" and finished talking about "penises" :rofl:

Better we stalk talking about boobs then, next time !

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Post by thesh3ll »

this is my fx rack:

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Post by surfino »

aliner :rofl: :rofl:
andytf, good stuff yayy :) :)
probably started before you were born

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Post by DannyCreggan »

thanks for the replys :D if use dont think i need hardware is there any synths use could recomend

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Post by divadro102 »

i dont have hardware stuff like the big leagues..i have two midi controllers, midi pad controller, audio interface, 8 channel mixer, two 500gb external hard drives, my macbook pro, and Reason, Reaper, Cubase, and Ableton Live...i only started 1 year and half ago...but not hardstyle, just trance and techno stuff..i cant seem to get the hang of hardstyle tho o_O

M-Audio Axiom 25
M-Audio Oxygen 49

Akai MPD18

-Audio Int-
Steinberg CI1

Behringer Xenyx 802

None, way too broke :'(
Only my old Bose speakers, which work fine..but i'd like real studio monitors some day

Audio Technica AT2020

upgraded to Audio Technica ATH-M50

got a mic stand, two electric guitars, guitar amp, plenty cables, and a whole lot of love at what I do :fist:

as you can see, money is an issue for me :rofl:
but my stuff isn't so bad for being on a really tight budget..at least it's not so much a "beginner", more into the amateur side...i love music :listen:
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Post by Marcotjuh »

If i may ask why you prefer midi controllers and mixers above monitors?

Its like driving a great car with bad tires. Monitors are a must if you are into producing.

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Post by divadro102 »

Marcotjuh wrote:If i may ask why you prefer midi controllers and mixers above monitors?

Its like driving a great car with bad tires. Monitors are a must if you are into producing.
i didnt say i prefer them over monitors :+
i started two years ago so theres no rush for good monitors..thats why i have my ATH-M50s..they suit me fine..
i'm not making money off of this so i dont need to invest in monitors..besides, i still gotta improve with music making and sounds and not on a perfect mix..
you can't have a "perfect" mix with bad sounds (synths)

and my room isn't the greatest either..i could have the best monitors ever, but they would sound like shit in here..

so basically it all comes down to money :)

im broke, so cant afford...

but in good news, and hopefully good investment:
i ordered a pair of KRK RP5G2. <-- my school finally released money, and thats where i got the 300 dollars from :+ to be able to buy these..i am looking to treat the room, but the neighbors upstairs are the problem (6)
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Post by Glee »

"Best synth/hardware" - This will make you the best producer ever! ;D

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Post by divadro102 »

Glee wrote:"Best synth/hardware" - This will make you the best producer ever! ;D
i'm loving my new KRKs...wow

and yes i agree "Best synth/hardware"
One hundred thousand voices lift, while ashes like dirty snowfall drift

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