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Headhunterz - Zatox LOL

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Re: Little release facts and gossips topic

Post by Neutronic »

Johnny250 wrote:could it be possible that this was the day when he published his video for "my life" ?
I thought so myself but I checked. I believe it happened around the 18th of april. The 17th he reached nr. 1 on trackitdown with My Life but I really dont believe that would give him 10000 followers in one day.

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Post by Qwertz »

When it comes to high profile hardstyle DJs like Heady and Zatox, do you honestly think that the number of followers that they have will have an impact on getting gigs?...
ofcourse it does, these social dj toplists are made for event organisations / club owners so they can calculate which djs will fill the venue. why do u think hardstyle djs always give away free tracks for facebook likes and why do u think djs without that much social media followers barely get any bookings ??

i actually find it a bit disgusting that someone who finally does something against social media cheating now gets slated for it -.-

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Post by Phil inFamous »

I definitely learned a lesson today. Sometimes the ego takes over before you realize. Its time to forgive myself and celebrate mothersday.

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Post by SchizeQ »

Headhunterz gave Pioneer CDJ 1000 for likes, isn't it "buying" fans too?

Even if Zatox bought fans/followers i don't care but it's not cool posting vs him AGAIN(if you remember Headhunterz vs. Zatox about Dragon Roar).

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Post by ceero »

SchizeQ wrote:Headhunterz gave Pioneer CDJ 1000 for likes, isn't it "buying" fans too?

Even if Zatox bought fans/followers i don't care but it's not cool posting vs him AGAIN(if you remember Headhunterz vs. Zatox about Dragon Roar).
he was bitching aboud Odissea sounding too much like Doomed too

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Post by MarlboroMan »

Wow HHz destroyed the image he build in the last few months within only a few seconds. :rofl:
But buying followers isn't better either, I always thought of Zatox as a guy he doesn't give a damn about this social media fame.

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Post by Dakpan »

What's with all the hate against Headhunterz? imo Zatox is the big idiot here. Caring too fucking much about his fame.

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Post by MarlboroMan »

Dakpan wrote:What's with all the hate against Headhunterz? imo Zatox is the big idiot here. Caring too fucking much about his fame.
Headhunterz only fault was to make this things public again. Same as the Deadmau5 incident.

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Post by VOL-E »

WTF are you guys talking about here? When NC revealed that Wildstylez made a remix on Yellow Minute and it's not Alpha Twins nobody blamed NC for this? The same situation, they stabbed their friends that it wasn't their remix... But now everybody blames Hhz... I don't think he should be ashamed of this. Zatox is an idiot here. Why do you think he bought followers than? Qwertz told about it and I fully agree... To be more popular and more famous, to gain more money from gigs... more popularity = more money. All this social media has its power for real life too... Your price is growing because of popularity.

Lets look on the otherside of this situation... somebody would notice this, not hhz... And posted somewhere, for example here. What would be reaction ? The same as now? You would blame that person for finding that Zatox bought followers? Really think about it... I don't think that Hhz is the person who made a mistake here. If it would be some hardstyle listener who found this I think it would be more blame on Zatox side so it's better that Hhz found it.

P.S. what Hhz did there? wanted to buy to and found that Zatox already bought ? :+
i see you with my x-ray

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Post by Dakpan »

MarlboroMan wrote:
Dakpan wrote:What's with all the hate against Headhunterz? imo Zatox is the big idiot here. Caring too fucking much about his fame.
Headhunterz only fault was to make this things public again. Same as the Deadmau5 incident.
What's wrong with that? Assange threw stuff in public, he was a hero. HHz does the same, now he is the scumbag. It's a noble thing from Headhunterz because buying followers is just low as the bottom of the ocean.

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