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[18/11/2017] Qlimax - Temple Of Light [NL]

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Re: [18/11/2017] Qlimax - Temple Of Light [NL]

Post by M3dia »

MC_Ruud wrote: I'm sorry to say this, but you're really talking out of your ass. Just because the set didnt meet your standard (which is weird, because it doesnt seem like you are a fan), doesnt mean the boys didnt work their ass off for Qlimax. I counted 4 edits in their set, and a whole boatload of new tracks.

Imho, you're just complaining because you love to complain.
Not saying I don't agree, but new tracks are made anyways. Looking at the tracklist there was 1 Qlimax Edit. Rest were already known edits. So that's not exactly what I would call "weeks and weeks of preparation". o_O

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Post by kennymanson »

you like to party???

this man is better than you (and me) _O_ _O_ _O_
my hero
http://www.hardnews.nl/politie-vindt-28 ... je-qlimax/
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Post by MatMan »

If you usually release 1-2 tracks a year, maybe for your first time at Qlimax you realize that is better to produce more new tracks (and edits) and to take the maximum advantage of this opportunity. So maybe all the new tracks could have been realized in over a year, and not in few weeks before Qlimax :)
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X-Qlusive Da Tweekaz

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Post by Skape »

M3dia wrote:
MC_Ruud wrote: I'm sorry to say this, but you're really talking out of your ass. Just because the set didnt meet your standard (which is weird, because it doesnt seem like you are a fan), doesnt mean the boys didnt work their ass off for Qlimax. I counted 4 edits in their set, and a whole boatload of new tracks.

Imho, you're just complaining because you love to complain.
Not saying I don't agree, but new tracks are made anyways. Looking at the tracklist there was 1 Qlimax Edit. Rest were already known edits. So that's not exactly what I would call "weeks and weeks of preparation". o_O
With this I disagree. Some tracks are obsvioulsy produced FOR Qlimax, because of the show and atmosphere that the DJs know their track will just fit it well. Moreover they know that Qlimax is a great way to promote new tracks, because of all the communication/marketing around the event.

Look at Zombie for example, it was the highlight of the night last year, because it's a track meant to be played at Qlimax. I'm not sure this track would have had the same success if it was first played in another random event, or even in a podcast.

About Da Tweekaz, their Evanescence bootleg was obvioulsy produced especially for Qlimax (of course they will play it afterwards in other events), but I mean they probably brainstormed how they would start their set, how to get the Qlimax audience in the mood and I think they nailed it with this track.

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Post by MC_Ruud »

Skape wrote:
M3dia wrote:
MC_Ruud wrote: I'm sorry to say this, but you're really talking out of your ass. Just because the set didnt meet your standard (which is weird, because it doesnt seem like you are a fan), doesnt mean the boys didnt work their ass off for Qlimax. I counted 4 edits in their set, and a whole boatload of new tracks.

Imho, you're just complaining because you love to complain.
Not saying I don't agree, but new tracks are made anyways. Looking at the tracklist there was 1 Qlimax Edit. Rest were already known edits. So that's not exactly what I would call "weeks and weeks of preparation". o_O
With this I disagree. Some tracks are obsvioulsy produced FOR Qlimax, because of the show and atmosphere that the DJs know their track will just fit it well. Moreover they know that Qlimax is a great way to promote new tracks, because of all the communication/marketing around the event.

Look at Zombie for example, it was the highlight of the night last year, because it's a track meant to be played at Qlimax. I'm not sure this track would have had the same success if it was first played in another random event, or even in a podcast.

About Da Tweekaz, their Evanescence bootleg was obvioulsy produced especially for Qlimax (of course they will play it afterwards in other events), but I mean they probably brainstormed how they would start their set, how to get the Qlimax audience in the mood and I think they nailed it with this track.
I really liked that track too. The funny thing is that it's actually not a bootleg. The vocal is new, and everything has been remade. That means that it's actually a cover, which also mean it will be released on other platforms. :whoop:

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Post by natenczas »

kennymanson wrote:you like to party???

this man is better than you (and me) _O_ _O_ _O_
my hero
http://www.hardnews.nl/politie-vindt-28 ... je-qlimax/
Volgens Omroep Gelderland probeert de politie hem nu te herenigen met zijn kameraden
Dude won it! haha found 4 days after :D
Just wonder what was he doing all of this time :D

Well well well.
I haven't put my '5 cents' into afterall summary yet. So after a cool down and a a good rest I finally found the time to write this.
Longer thoughts bring to mind a strange feeling that, surpricingly, it was the worst edition of Qlimax I've been to.
For the final evaluation I do not want to add such unfortunate events like cancelled flight or the fact I've lost my wallet, or rather: It has been stolen either in AMS Centraal station or Amsterdam City Centre. Things happens.

Luckily I arrived to Arnhem on time (big up Duch railways [NS] - I wish having such a GREAT system in UK!). After few sips of a vodka just outside GelreDome we finally hit the place around 21:15 to be punctually for first set by TNT. From the relations of my friends the whole proces of entry was much more pleasant on Entrance Q where people knew the actual definition of queuing and and the end we had to wait 15 minutes for those using entrance E. Couple of beers after the first kicks from TNT started to, hmmm 'play'(?). What was happening there to whole audio is indescribable. That was the shitties autio set up i've ever experienced. Right on the floor 10m from the stage there was NO low frequencies at all, while high was pitched so hight giving peoples headache. Sound was so poor and quiet. I could hear people chatting behind me about 'Emmas great ass and how did they get pissed last saturday" during DBSTF set! Sound was good ONLY at certain parts of GelreDome what we sticked hard for the rest of the night. Summarising: SOUND was SHIT!

TNT 5/10
Poor appearance, typical hit-set, nothing special. Didn't feel same good TNT as I felt at Defqon couple month back. Big smile on my face on Tatanka's - Africa they decided to put on! Oh I love this tune! But set was really average for warm-up but at least we had few beers (again) on stands on left hand site where the sound was decend.

DBSTF 7/10
Definitly expected something more. No 'No Apoya No Folla" made me sad, generally I thought they'll play more tunes from Antidote, but even such a gold tunes as God is a DJ ie could last for a bit longer. No intros, just basically climaxes were there all over the place for all night long not only at DBSTF set. Anyway was very nice to hear some older tunes.

Wildstylez 8/10
Great set by this legend finished with the anthem show was like cherry on the top of all. Quality hour. Nice to hear some P1 and Heady sounds also 2 or 3 new tracks sounded nicely promising. Ending was perfect Get Wild Go Hard, then tis fancy mushup I loooved and Temple Of Loght. tip top!

Da Tweekaz 2/10
WTF was that. I was like mom please take me out of here. hearing Frozen at Qlimax was like worst qlimax experience ever. We went for another couple of beers, came back for Hanging Tree, Yoji's Biomehanika remix of Hardstyle Disco and DRKNSS and two ponints only for the ending. I would like to give them another point for finishing this circus finally but 3/10 would be too much. Sorry Tweekafans.

Noisecontrollers & Atmozfears 9.5/10
Would say that was the set of the night but first place goes for someone else. Great start with Headys Psychadelic told me straight away that it will be an awesome set. Oh my go I loved every single tune they played Whos plan is This, Spirit of Hardstyle, Leave it all Behind (L) plus The Source Code Of Creation and Equilibrium mashup. Release and Rewakening - I lost my voice. Awesome choice on tracklist by the boys. The Spirit Of Hardstyle was there, all ovet the place.

Frequencerz -/-
Missed that one for queuing in merch, another couple of beers or 5 and food. Love the guys but didn't wanted to see them anyway. Too much is too much, they were everywhere this year enough is enough.

Surprise Act - Phuture Noize 10/10
Set of the night goes to this badboy! Nothing was missing there. Absolu banger that was. Lots of energy. Had a very good time during this 30minutes.

Sub Zero Project 6/10
Liked the set vey much. But their mixing was crap. Sorry SZP but you're just not ready for Qlimax.

Gunz For Hire 8/10
Very nice to hear them again. Couldn't wait to see them at Qlimax and wasn't dissapointed at all! Armed and Dangerous and Welcome to Death Row made the most impression on me. Great choice of tunes, decent mixing and all of this atmosphere during the set was very nice. Glad to see them again. They put maximum effort to make the crowd go crazy. Well done!

N-Vitral 7/10
Way too many edits, remixes or you name it of old classic tunes its what I did't liked but let's be honest: He wrecked the place! Fantastic closing act. For those who aren't a big Hardcore fans i was good selection of hard pounding tracks, for those who are i bet they liked it al well as I did.

Summarising: 6/10
Had a very, very good time there. I loved the lineup selection and I had lots fun and great moments hearing and seeing what DJ can give to us. But as I said before: Sound was shit. They fucked up something because last year and years, years ago was waaaay better. Just wonder how it will be on Hard Bass. Stage - I liked it, I seriously did. I took the ball as a source of light in the whole temple of light, great decoration as well make me feel im inside the temple. Lighting is 10/10 from me. Looked amazing all night long! Queues for merchandise, Christ! I've spent 30 minutes once just to fugure out there is no size left, another time I got size but no CD. I have a great idea for Q-dance how to resolve queues problem which i put EVERY time on their afterevents surveys. They never listened peoples ideas in my opinion. Why was The Album at CD's Kiosk payable only by GelreDome wallet none of this girls there could find a sensible answer for me. No card, or cash accepted which pissed me off coz I had to go up, top up the walet, came back there and finally get CD loosing 20 minutes of N-Vitrals set... Smoking cigerets must have be completly banned in Dome with possibility of fucking out smokers from Qlimax completly outside and don't let them come back in FFS!. Wherever I stood there was someone smoking, all my clothes stank as old ashtray. It is disgusting to don't respecting the rules and other around you. Pricing is crazy too; slice of pizza costs the price of whole pizza and drinks pricing an selection is a fuckin mistake 2.85EUR for 0,18 (?)l of beer or 9EUR for vodka (10cl) redbull is a total ripoff.
Probably won't be there next year as slowly realize it is just not worth it at all. Qlimax has undergone commercialization. Now it is just the name, and all spirit of qlimax gone good few years ago. Definitely buzzing now for Hard Bass and Reverze, which both in my opinion have more to offer than Qlimax now.

Thank you.
This is only my personal opinion, If you don't agree it means we have a different points of view, which is overall a good sign. Remember, We are all different people
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Post by Shadder »

kennymanson wrote:you like to party???

this man is better than you (and me) _O_ _O_ _O_
my hero
http://www.hardnews.nl/politie-vindt-28 ... je-qlimax/
Any english version ? :)

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Post by Doppel »

Shadder wrote:
kennymanson wrote:you like to party???

this man is better than you (and me) _O_ _O_ _O_
my hero
http://www.hardnews.nl/politie-vindt-28 ... je-qlimax/
Any english version ? :)
A guy was founded just in boxer in a garage near the gelredome. Thats all

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Post by kennymanson »

Shadder wrote:
kennymanson wrote:you like to party???

this man is better than you (and me) _O_ _O_ _O_
my hero
http://www.hardnews.nl/politie-vindt-28 ... je-qlimax/
Any english version ? :)
You can, of course, go all out on the Saturday night, after all, it's weekend for that. But some people can make it very real at a party. The police in Arnhem found today a lost Qlimax visitor in a parking garage after he had visited the party. Oh, and this 28-year-old man from Estonia only had his underwear on. What a party.

Imagine that you come all the way from a distant country to our cold little country for a weekend of hardstyle especially for Qlimax. For months you are looking forward to the event, you pay a nice price for transport and accommodation; this must be the evening of your life that will make everyone jealous at home. This 28-year-old gentleman has at least enough to tell since last night at the GelreDome.

The man went to Qlimax with friends, then lost it and later also his clothes. According to Omroep Gelderland, the police are now trying to reunite him with his comrades. It is still unknown where his clothes have remained and how he ended up in the parking garage.
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Post by Emre »

28 year old from Estonia?



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