out tomorrow
so after all...
I like all 4. The vocals in each original TOA track are just so significant and powerful to me that the remixes are energy-wise on a high Level. Although I would have loved the Mindustries Remix with some heavy gated kicks, I feel like their remix is gonna grow a lot on me because it is so hypnotizing. Kedde's style fits perfectly on a new Surreal version. I am so glad he is completely in this genre! I feel like the Industrial Cooking Spray remix will leave a few disappointed but to me it is awesome. You obviously cant beat the original as you cant beat any original of TOA but that wasn't the point of these remixes. IS's version really feels flawless and the second mainpart is super creative and hard, also the kick in it sounds soooo clean.
If there is any complaint,then it is on the Dither remix, which could have turned out a lot better, I believe but it is still great.
Probably my favourite release of this year