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Feedback for EP

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State Outsider
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Feedback for EP

Post by ThirdLex »

Hey guys and girls! :wave:

I would love to know what you guys think of this three-track EP I've just uploaded.
I just need some outside criticism / feedback from fellow you hardstyle enthusiasts :P

What do you think of the Lead design / Kicks / Mixdown? :?
I find it particularly strange that the tracks sound kinda strange on the SoundCloud Mobile App
compared to the website or even the raw audio. Do you have any tips for that?

Thanks to everybody who finds the time :)

State Newcomer
Posts: 46
Joined: 28 Feb 2019, 16:59

Post by the_wraith »

I find it particularly strange that the tracks sound kinda strange on the SoundCloud Mobile App
compared to the website or even the raw audio. Do you have any tips for that?
I'm not sure what you mean specifically by "strange". If you mix a song for use on different devices, especially mixing for Smartphones and Co can be tricky, because Smartphones are usually using processing to amplify the frequencies necessary for speech recognition - so speech samples might sound much louder but also certain high frequencies will seem very amplified. I'm listening to Blueprint right now in my Motorola G6+ and its obvious that all the speech-frequencies (read kickdrum harmonics aliasing, samples, hihats, saw highend) sare very up front, while the rest seems more in the back.
Tbh though I would not try to alleviate this too much; there have been some bands in the past years, curiously mostly Metal bands :dunno: , who have tried this and the result was that it sounded good on phones and shit everywhere else lol. Being aware of this still is a good thing though imo.
Or maybe I'm off completely and you mean something else >_>.
Overall I think your arrangements are good, but you make some curious decisions in terms of choosing volumes.

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