Hola a todos!! Amantes del Hardcore!! Ya esta preparado al 100% lo que el año pasado fue la rave mas visitada del viña, Este año el mejor hardcore, lo traeran DJs de LA MANCHA X-TREME (HARDCORE COLLECTIVE) en colaboracion con DJs y Productores de Danger Murder Terror - https://soundcloud.com/dangermurderterror y Distorsound System -- Contaremos con mas de 33.000W RMS Una carpa enorme de 6 x 12 Show Laser , una cabina 3D

Hello everyone!! Hardcore Lovers !! It is already prepared to 100% what last year was the rave most visited of the vineyard, This year the best hardcore, will bring DJs of LA MANCHA X-TREME (HARDCORE COLLECTIVE) in collaboration with DJs and Producers of Danger Murder Terror - [ Url] https://soundcloud.com/dangermurderterror [/ url] and Distorsound System - We will have more than 33,000W RMS A huge tent of 6 x 12 Laser Show, a 3D booth: one: !!!! Cabezas Roboticas, Growshop: hat: by courtesy of cogolandia and merchandising for gabbers we will be with the team connected from April 25 to May 1 (Villarrobledo, Albacete, Spain) Maxima diffusion and enjoy the rave!