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[18/01/2015] United feat. Angerfist [US]

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[18/01/2015] United feat. Angerfist [US]

Post by caffeine »


Name: no school or work the next day
Organisation: Epic Entertainment
Date: 1/18/15
Time: 9pm
Location:Amazura 91-12 144th Pl, Jamaica, Queens 11435
Age: 18+
Ticket price: 30-40
Get tickets at: http://www.wantickets.com/united
Website: http://epicnyc.tv

Lady Faith
Reactor vs Destabilizers

Presented by: Epic Entertainment
In association w/ Caffeine Events & Contrast

Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream. A dream for freedom of choice, freedom of life, for equality, unity, peace and love. A dream for all of us to be “UNITED” as one! Today, we need to remember Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream more than ever. On this night, we wish to live that dream more strongly than ever before. Epic Entertainment, NYC, our friends and our families invite everyone to come celebrate our freedom of life together on this special evening. Come join us and raise your fist, as we all stand “UNITED.”

18+ To Party
21+ To Drink

"The Epic Experience", taking you into a wonderland of audio/visual overload! Prepare for a night of explosive sensory stimulation with over 120,000 watts of Turbo Sound, Mapped Stage Projections, Multi-color laser show, CO2 Blasts, Confetti Canons, Structural Fabric Installations, Multiple Disco Balls, Inflatable Dance Floor Decor and much more! ...be a part of the EXPERIENCE!

+ Epic T-Shirts, kandi table & glow stick giveaways
+ Multiple vendors with your favorite party gear and snacks
+ Custom graffiti hats by Takeover Theory
+ Massage tables for relaxation
+ Body and face painting

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