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American HardStyle

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Re: American HardStyle

Post by Statical »

Chicago here as well.

We aren't that great right now for getting the bigger names. The Showtek 2012 tour skipped us (assuming they are still playing their older hardstyle tracks, their new stuff is bleh), and for hardcore the Angerfist 2012 tour is going to skip us as well. But I am still really happy about getting to see Atmozfearz last month and Headhunterz back in September.

I have a lot of respect for our local DJs though that spin hardstyle though and think they make up for all the tours missing us. Big ups to xposur/bizerk for their contribution to the scene.

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Post by SchizeQ »

Statical wrote: I have a lot of respect for our local DJs though that spin hardstyle though and think they make up for all the tours missing us. Big ups to xposur/bizerk for their contribution to the scene.


tell all local DJs about this. We have already
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Post by PumpStatic »

Statical wrote:The Angerfist 2012 tour is going to skip us as well.
I hope that they come to Milwaukee at least. That's as close as I'm gonna travel.

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Post by HardDanceNation »

PumpStatic wrote:
Statical wrote:The Angerfist 2012 tour is going to skip us as well.
I hope that they come to Milwaukee at least. That's as close as I'm gonna travel.
The Angerfist tour has no stop in Milwaukee, but does have a stop in Minneapolis, MN. We are working on a Chicago date but at this time, Minneapolis is the only Mid-West date confirmed.
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Post by PumpStatic »

I pray that Chicago is confirmed :fist:

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Post by Zero Chance »

CA, San Diego
Everyone I MEAN EVERYONE likes and says 'DERPSTEP IS THE BEST DDDDOOOOOODDDDZZZZ' and blast it in their god damn car 24/7
There are only 2 people at my school that listen to hardstyle. Problem with that is.....
1.This dude only listens to headhunterz and all the other popular ones but not really in depth on the scene (not to mention he's really shy)
2. This little fish listens to bad hardstyle -_-
And whenever i try to show off my music they instantly say "this sucks" "Boring" "i have something better! *then procceds to play a skrillex track*"
so im kinda here for a good reason :D

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Post by PumpStatic »

Zero Chance wrote:CA, San Diego
Everyone I MEAN EVERYONE likes and says 'DERPSTEP IS THE BEST DDDDOOOOOODDDDZZZZ' and blast it in their god damn car 24/7
There are only 2 people at my school that listen to hardstyle. Problem with that is.....
1.This dude only listens to headhunterz and all the other popular ones but not really in depth on the scene (not to mention he's really shy)
2. This little fish listens to bad hardstyle -_-
And whenever i try to show off my music they instantly say "this sucks" "Boring" "i have something better! *then procceds to play a skrillex track*"
so im kinda here for a good reason :D
Sounds like my town. All shitty lil wayne, top 40, and SKRALLEKXSS. :fist: :fist: :sick:

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Post by ZeusGoesRawr »

Zero Chance wrote:CA, San Diego
Everyone I MEAN EVERYONE likes and says 'DERPSTEP IS THE BEST DDDDOOOOOODDDDZZZZ' and blast it in their god damn car 24/7
There are only 2 people at my school that listen to hardstyle. Problem with that is.....
1.This dude only listens to headhunterz and all the other popular ones but not really in depth on the scene (not to mention he's really shy)
2. This little fish listens to bad hardstyle -_-
And whenever i try to show off my music they instantly say "this sucks" "Boring" "i have something better! *then procceds to play a skrillex track*"
so im kinda here for a good reason :D

Sounds like my town. All shitty lil wayne, top 40, and SKRALLEKXSS. :fist: :fist: :sick:
I'm way up in Napa, CA and believe me, I know that feel bro. Everyone in this town that "produces" does dupstep and listens to nothing but dubstep. I have my roomate who lightweight likes hardstyle, but like your other friend, it's mainly headhunterz and what not. He's not gonna show me anything new. I found out everything I know about hardstyle by myself (which isnt much) even this site I found on my own, same with FL studio, fear.fm etc. It sucks, I wish there was even at least one person remotely close to me that loves hardstyle like I do.

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Post by DrKamikazi »

does socal not have a good hardstyle scene still?? back when i was there in 2008-2010 there was a hard dance room at pretty much any show you went to and they had big names starting to come down.

there aint even house music here in alabama its all dubstep and only one show a month. ive been trying to get a hardstyle set at the dub show but no luck so far...

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Post by Markove »

Suburbs of DC here. Headhunterz came by Baltimore (only an hour or so away from DC) when he had his last US tour. DBSTF went to Raleigh, NC on their last tour. Everyone seems to skip by here. :(

Unfortunately I didn't go see HHZ since I didn't want to go alone. I'm finally at the point where I wouldn't care anymore.

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